After this very activity, we would like to thank all committees who work together hand in hand to succeed this activity. special thanks to seniors who contributed t
heir time with us. Here we welcome you our very own inter-section com
petition! enjoy looking through those sweet memories.. :)

1...2...3... SMILE! :D

Wootz... so serious yea..

2nd runner up

1st runner up

overall champion

eng daos! xD hiak hiak!

2..3.. up!

waa.. so you look so orange

see my professionalism

is like this la...

yih.. this casualty masih boleh laugh!

don kiss him! :X

look we tug in.. cool right?

let me act cool..

we are the strongest!

will you marry me?

i check ur eye for any....

yish.. that judge senyum kambing

u want what? pay money first! :D

jessy: i look cool right!

i got brush teeth!

eventhough i so thin.. i can carry.. because of 100plus!

so heavy leh.. mau pengsan..

u tonight free ma?

why tie so tight? later i tercekik..

nowadays got modern xia.. telephone awam is touch screen der..

ur hand no bone ah? cant ownself support?

no breathing..

yih.. casualty rich use rolex..:X pasar malam.. xD

wah.. eng dao..

i wear glove need sit down...

waa.. we got style!

whats that macam ribena

private talk to emo..:D

my leg so sexy..

i taller than you!

i look like robot..

see my chest got six pack!

laugh till like this... sot..

don sombong la..

my leg small leh.. admire ma?

senyum kambing again!

so serious..

don simply look..

eee.. my face so white!

antique first aid kit..

thanks to participants who show support in this activity!
special credits to our photographer, Vincent Hoo, Nikon D5000.
keep updated with us. thanks for reading!