Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Urgent Activity

To All Josephians red crescent members, there is an activity coming up this thursday.
These are the details of the activities:

Masakan Berkumpulan dan sambutan rumah terbuka Hari Raya.

Date: 16 September 2010
Time: 8.00am - 5.00pm
Venue: Malaysian Red Crescent Headquarters, Miri Chapter
Attire: Red Crescent T-Shirt and Tracksuit
Members Needed to attend: At least 20

Please attend. your attendance is very much needed and appreciated!

For More Information????
Please contact
Clarence Tang Chok-wee (0146806837)
Ryan Foong Kar Wei (0194877283)
Jesslie Chua Fouz Tzeng (0168521238)
Siaw Yee Sii (0168694774)
Chong Sung Yan (0168984631)
Lim Kian Boon (0168751590)

thank you very much!