Masakan Berkelompok dan Majlis Ramah Tamah Hari Raya
Aidilfitri sambutan Hari Malaysia

why is she laughing?? o.O

our members waiting for a turn to try out cooking..

Cooking too.. someone peaking at the back??

Soo Siew Ying

Cooking also can laugh??

Winny trying out too..
One of our member trying out cooking..
these are some pictures and what our members had done..
Members from our school attended this event: 8 ppl
i heard comment from some of them.. they say it's fun :)
so other members.. if u don't believe just ask them!
anyway this is a short update..
get yourself involve in more activities.. there are benefits and no disadvantages.
Anyway for those members who attend today'S ACTIVITY.. i'll like to thank you and continue that excellent work..
Thanks SJRC 2010!