Thursday, June 18, 2009

This coming weekend!!

As it mentioned above, this coming weekend which is 20/06/2009 and 21/06/2009 are Inter Unit First Aid Competition.

At the post before, our participants had really train day and night to improve their perfomance during the competition. So, for that, please come and support them on that two days!

Members, we appreacite it very much if you guys come and support them so that we can have more "semangat" to win the competition!!

To Them:
"Try to apply what you have learned in these four years in the competition. Do not ever give up once you fail. Even if you made mistake, try to correct it or make it better. Don't GIVE UP! Eat and drink healthily. Don't be too over confidence. Have faith in yourself. Speak loud. Don't scare. Be happy! And lastly, all the best!!"

Remember the jiayou? Jiayou! Jiayou!!! Jiayou!!!!! We trust you!!!